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Friday, 8 July 2016

FINAL YEAR PROJECT ABSTRACT 22-SMS Based Device or Home equipment Control system

SMS Based Device or Home equipment Control system
What is GSM ?
GSM, which stands for Global System for Mobile Communications, is a digital cellular radio network operating in over 200 countries world-wide. It provides almost complete coverage in western Europe, and growing coverage in the Americas, Asia and elsewhere.

Of special interest is the capability of the GSM network to be used for data computing. Most people think of voice calls when they think of cellular phones. But because GSM is digital, you can connect your GSM-enabled phone to your laptop computer and send or receive e-mail, faxes, browse the Internet, securely access your company's LAN/intranet, and use other digital data features including Short Messaging Service.
The unique roaming features of GSM allow cellular subscribers to use their services in any GSM service area in the world in which their provider has a roaming agreement. That means the phone you use in France could work in Germany, Australia, Finland and even China, depending on your provider's roaming agreements.
GSM-enabled phones have a "smart card" inside called the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). The SIM card is personalized to you and you alone. It identifies your account to the network and provides authentication, which allows appropriate billing.
Aim of project
Imagine being able to control all the electrical appliances of your home from virtually any place your are in the world! For example, say one cold winter day, you are stuck in traffic on the motorway after a long day at work. By pressing a few keystrokes on your mobile phone, you activate a macro which turns on the heating, prepares your Jacuzzi, switches on your electrical fireplace and lava-lamps at your premises.

In today's times the GSM mobile terminal has become one of the items that is constantly with us. Just like our wallet/purse, keys or watch, the GSM mobile terminal provides us with a communication channel that enables us to communicate with the world. The want for a person to be reachable or to call anyone at any time is very appealing.
Using the cybernetic concept of action space, we in fact extend the action space of the human with the mobile terminal, enabling the subscriber to talk to another subscriber and thus exchange information, issue or receive commands.
In this project, we will explore ways of extending this notion of Home Automation by applying mobility to it using various technologies that are available in our information age. These technologies include mobile communication devices and the Internet which are becoming part of our everyday lives.

Working of the project:
                        The user can send a SMS Message to activate a device which is connected to the project. For eg a Tube light or fan any electrical device.
Hardware Spec:
            8051/DsPIC 30F4013 Microcontroller
            GSM Modem (SIM 300 Module)
            Relay Circuits
Software Spec:
            PIC C 30C Compiler
            MPLAB IDE

            The block Diagram of the project is given below
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